Are you looking for top dollar for your construction equipment? Equipment Planet buys new and secondhand construction equipment. Small private contractors as well as long-term relationships are important to us. Even if it’s not running, we buy equipment from all around the US and Canada. The best market value for your equipment, truck, or full fleet is what we promise our customers. Let’s get started. Look no farther and call us right now. Based on current market conditions, now is the best time to sell. Most of the time, you’ll get money to buy your equipment. Eliminating market inefficiencies such as late payment delays can be achieved on the same day.

We’ve just purchased construction equipment, including:.

Top Dollar for Your Construction Equipment

For the most part, we’re focused on the United States and Canada.

The best market value for your equipment, truck, or full fleet is what we promise our customers. Let’s get started. Look no farther and call us right now. Based on current market conditions, now is the best time to sell. Most of the time, you’ll get money to buy your equipment. Eliminating market inefficiencies such as late payment delays can be achieved on the same day.

If you are interested in getting the highest prices for your equipment, get an appraisal from Equipment Planet by calling 214-773-0207 today!

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